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Pictures of House Construction:

[Purchase]First saw house for sale 3/5/2007. Offer made on 3/6/2007. Closed escrow on 4/17/2007.
[Wires]...still need to find them all...
[Old Ivy]Took out old Ivy 4/23/2007, Planted 6/17/2007
[Gas Shut-off]Gas shut-off installed on 5/8/2007. Chimney Sweep cleaning done on 5/1/2007.
[Washer/Dryer]Installed around 5/10/2007
[Door To Garage]Got estimate on 5/9/2007. Construction from 5/15/2007 to 5/31/2007.
[Phone/Internet/TV]Phone & internet went in on May 30, 2007. Still need TV wiring
[Plumming Problem]Occurred on May 30, 2007 and repars completed on June 1, 2007
[Attic]Installed panelling Between June 5 to June 11, 2007
[Paint]Got Estimate 5/7/2007. Painted around June 12, 13, & 14, 2007
[Carpet]Installed June 19, 2007
[Storage-Stuff]Arrived on June 21, 2007. Moved in (First night / Cat came) June 23, 2007
[Dipole]Dipole put up for Field Day June 20, 2008; Tower started Sept. 1, 2008; Taken down Aug 12, 2009
[Tower/HF Antenna]A3S & A3WS Tower Construction; start:8/5/2009; End: 9/4/2009 [Final Installation]

Ok, Here's the plan...

Step 1, Dig a big hole (5'9") in the backyard!:
Left: Put a wood frame on the ground to help visualize the location and size.
Right: On August 5th, the hole was started. Digging was finished the next day.

And Here's all the dirt on this project:

Seven loops of Rebar was placed in the hole on 8/6/2009:
Left: The Rebar was assembled and then lowered into the hole. On the left, the base plate can be seen as well.
Right: Here is the hole with the rebar.

And the tower base plate was put in place with with a temporary frame.:

City Inspector required rebar to be re-done.:
Left: Before the inspection. Notice two togehter at top, next one is about 1 foot down.
Right: top 3 pieces of rebar re-done, separated by 6 inches. Passed inspection on 8/11/2009.

Dot & Rob can start to imagine the tower in the back yard becoming a reality.

Cement was poured on 8/12/2009.
Left: A hose was run from the Cement truck and pump to the back yard.
Right: It took less than 5 minutes to fill the 5ft.9in. hole. (It took more than an hour for setup/cleanup).

Frame was removed and the cement was smoothed out:
Left: Top view of antenna base & cement pad.
Right: Notice the leveling bolts under the antenna base. Grout will be used fill in the slace once the cement is dry.

Now to watch the cement to dry. this will take 28+ days from 8/12/2009 before the tower can be mounted.

Left: With the cement finally dry, at 10:30 AM on Thursday September 3, 2009, The new 33 foot crank up Tower rolled in... (US Tower TM-433HD)
Right: The bottom bolts were attached, and a raising fixture put in place.

Yeah! The tower is up!!!

The A3S went up first (on top)
Closely followed by the A3WS (on bottom)
Note that final assembly was done on the roof.