The cat that saved dinner

The Brussels sprouts were washed and draining by the sink.  A couple of their outer leaves had fallen to the floor.  Jet, the youngest and most playful of our kitties, was interested in these leaves and began playing with them.  The tasty veggies were seasoned, put into the pan, and began to cook.  It was then that we noticed the little kitty limping as if she had hurt her front paw.  We picked her up to see what possibly could be the matter.  …poor little kitty…  On her front paws, and wedged between her toes, was a nice sized garden slug. Wondering if there were more of those tasty morsels among the simmering veggies, we tossed the entire pan of brussel sprouts.  Kitty’s paw was fine, and we were saved from a dinner surprise.

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