Oh, how times have changed!  It was not that long ago, that after making a couple of contacts with a DX expedition, I would sit at my desk, and fill out some paper cards. Next I would find some nice stamps, a couple of crisp bills, enclose an SASE, and send it off in the mail. I didn’t even mind the occasional paper cut on my tongue.

Today, I went to send a card to the 6o0CW station, but after filling out a couple of paper cards, decided to give their Online QSL Request System a try. There were no problems finding the contacts, and it was fast & easy.  there is not even an envelope to take to the mail box, and no worries about having enough postage.

It is interesting watching the world change. I still like the old paper way of sending cards, but am becoming more accustom to doing things digitally.

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