A contact here and there

The weekend was full of fun activities. One of them was the CQ WW RTTY WPX contest.  I had set up and tested the equipment before the contest. The old PC was using MixW software, connected using a RIGblaster Pro to a Yaesu FT-990 transceiver. The first couple of contacts went well, then the computer froze up a couple of times, and finally the blue screen stopped me cold. After a couple of reboots, I was back on the air.

With RTTY, I am not good at holding a frequency and calling CQ.  I am just not as experienced with the software.  All my contacts were made by the hunt and pounce method. I would go back to the radio and make a few contacts and then return to do other things around the house, leaving the equipment tuned up on 15 meters. The logs were hand written, and manually transcribed after the contest to convert them to ADIF format. I made a grand  total of only 52 contacts, but had a good time making them.

The other fun this weekend was the Mardi Gras parade in Long Beach, and a trip to the dentist.

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