Field Day Practice

There is nothing like practice. The CQWW WPX CW contest (May 25 & 26, 2013) is a great opportunity to brush up on your CW skills and get reacquainted with your contest logging software.

Before the contest, there are some small things that I like to do to be ready. First item is to program the logging software specifically for the contest. There needs to be function keys set up for the normal exchange, calling CQ, answering CQs, re-sending each part of the exchange, and re-requesting your report. Of course, a key in parallel is a must. It is helpful to use a 3″x5″ index card as a quick reference for these function keys. Also, a single sheet summary of the logging program functions is good to have as well.

This weekend I will make out a band plan, and test it out in the CQ WW WPX contest. Across the top in the columns are the different operating stations. For field day there will most likely be more 3 or 4 (or more), These would include all stations that plan to be on at any time during the contest. Of course, for my test with the CQ WW WPX contest, it will be just my one station with a single operator. Put time down along the left side, broken out by either one hour or thirty minute increments. Under each station, for each increment of time, I will list out the band for that station will operate. This weekend, I will listen to propagation, and get an initial idea of what would work best to maximize the number of contacts. During the contest, i will try to stay to the band plan, but make notes of any changes that are needed, and update my field day band plan.


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