Had fun in the contest

Although I spent only a hand full of hours in the contest, it was very fun and logged a total of 136 contacts. It was good to hear ten meters open to western Europe in the mornings.  It has been awhile since ten meters has been this packed with stations, even above 28.100 Mhz.

Ten meters accounted for 125 of the total contacts, representing 66 countries from 28 different zones. The remainder of the contacts, 11 QSOs in 3 different countries, were on 15 Meters. I have all these countries conformed, but need to go back and check if any are new on CW, and look for new band-countries on 10 meters.

Logs have been updated on this web site, as well as on LoTW and eQSL.

Hope you had fun in the contest too.

73 Rob, W6GRV

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