The Travel Month

The past month has been full of travel. Last night, we drove home from visiting my family in  from Madera, CA.  Before this we were in Delaware visiting some of my wife’s family. And prior to that, I was in Maryland on a different trip.  There was not any time of getting on the air, but been watching the DX cluster for the pileups that I missed.

September kicks off some of my favorite contests. Next weekend is the worked all Europe SSB contest, and at the end of the month is the CQWW RTTY contest. These are followed in October and November with some more good DX contest fun.

Field day, I did not practice with my contest logging software. So when I started everything up and went to enter my first contact, the computer did not do what I wanted it to do. I had to open up a test file and do some practicing without making any contacts before I remembered how to properly the software and the function key.

With summer fading, and less time to travel, I hope I can get on the air a bit more in the coming months.


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