Comment Policy

Comments are welcome.  They allow for discussion of topics relating to anything mentioned.  Please keep in mind that individuals of all ages may be reading your comments.

  1. Be respectful
  2. No defaming, harassing, or threatening others
  3. No profanity
  4. No spam (Anything that reads like an advertisement will be treated as spam.)
  5. No personal information (Comments will be viewable by others, so do not post anything you would consider private, such as phone numbers or other personal information.)
  6. Avoid religion and politics
  7. Post in plain text
  8. No malicious code

All comments will be moderated.

(At some point, a better spam filter will be added, but for now, comments will wait for approval prior to being posted for all to see.)


One Response to Comment Policy

  1. Steve Allred says:

    Hi Rob, ran across your website and wanted to sat “hi”. You and i meet years ago briefly while i was over visiting your Dad. I think you were home on break from college at the time.
    Your Dad was a great source of inspiration and a mentor to me as a future Ham. To just be able to sit there in his radio shack while he worked the world on 20 meters with that S-Line station was a great treat! Or the times he would let us work a DX station from High School with that old Heathkit, only to have the bell cut it short. Great memories to reflect on. Best regards, Steve Allred / K6SCA

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