Category Archives: Contests

Amateur Radio Contest Events

Ready For Field Day

Field day should be fun this year. I will be stopping by the Pasadena Radio Club field day site. Both the Caltech and JPL amateur radio clubs will be sharing field day with the Pasadena club. It should be a … Continue reading

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With the start of 2014, I have not spent much time on the radio.  However, the FT5ZM DXexpidetion got me to dust off the equipment and warm the linear up.  After making a contact with their team (for a new … Continue reading

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Contest Weekend

There was great propagation for this weekend’s CQWW SSB contest. Although I was only able to spend a few hours in the contest, I still enjoyed the opening into Europe and Africa on 10 Meters. Using the hunt and pounce … Continue reading

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Field Day Practice

There is nothing like practice. The CQWW WPX CW contest (May 25 & 26, 2013) is a great opportunity to brush up on your CW skills and get reacquainted with your contest logging software. Before the contest, there are some … Continue reading

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Field Day Thoughts

Field day (June 22-23, 2013) has many purposes. The first that comes to mind is an emergency preparedness. Field day provides a good excuse to call the club members together to setup the equipment in a remote operating area. Thus … Continue reading

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