Category Archives: Contests

Amateur Radio Contest Events

Fun RTTY Contest

The September 2012 CQWW RTTY contest was fun. I started into it with a late start and thinking I was only going to make a couple of contacts.  Not having practiced with the new contest & RTTY software, I kept … Continue reading

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Had fun in the contest

Although I spent only a hand full of hours in the contest, it was very fun and logged a total of 136 contacts. It was good to hear ten meters open to western Europe in the mornings.  It has been … Continue reading

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Contest has begun

This afternoon, after making one CW and one RTTY contact, I downloaded the latest cty.dat file, and configured the logging software (currently using CT-Win). The linear was tuned to 28 Mhz, and the equipment was tested. Many stations could be … Continue reading

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