Category Archives: DX

Discussion relating to chasing DX.

Updated DXCC Records

At the end of each year, I like to update my DXCC records for DX entities by band and mode. As of November 26, 2014, I was able to obtain credit for 331 countries (mixed mode), which is enough to … Continue reading

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Contest contacts

This past weekend, I had a some time to spend in the contest. Saturday, we went to an event is San Pedro called Steam Carnival, and Sunday, I had some things around home to get done. But there was still … Continue reading

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A Slow DX day

With the M7 solar flare this morning, there were only a few DX station that I could hear. I made a few contacts and sent for a few QSL cards. Many years ago, the cards I received were hung on … Continue reading

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With the start of 2014, I have not spent much time on the radio.  However, the FT5ZM DXexpidetion got me to dust off the equipment and warm the linear up.  After making a contact with their team (for a new … Continue reading

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Contest Weekend

There was great propagation for this weekend’s CQWW SSB contest. Although I was only able to spend a few hours in the contest, I still enjoyed the opening into Europe and Africa on 10 Meters. Using the hunt and pounce … Continue reading

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