Category Archives: Fun Pictures

Fun pictures includes our travel photos and other activities.

Power Pole Connectors

The 2 meter radio had been in a box since we last moved. The cable that matched the IC-28A power cord was lost. This weekend, to get it back on the air, I rewired the power supply with Power Pole … Continue reading

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A Simple Project

It sounded simple. Add a common ground for the all of the radio equipment in the shack. Some of my equipment, like the linear, had a ground wire attached to an eight-foot solid copper ground rod, but some items still … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Pictures, General, Home Repair | Leave a comment

Snow posed for her portrait


Posted in Cats, Fun Pictures | Leave a comment

Trip to Washington State in 2005

[nggallery id=3] During the summer of 2005, Dot and I took a trip to the state of Washington.  We drove north and spent a night in Trinidad, CA, where a our view was that of a couple of goats.  Their … Continue reading

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