Category Archives: General

General information

Your Web Page

At today’s JPL amateur radio club meeting, I gave a high level presentation on how to create “Your Amateur Radio Web Page.”  We discussed why an individual might want to have their own web page, options for setting one up, … Continue reading

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The Travel Month

The past month has been full of travel. Last night, we drove home from visiting my family in  from Madera, CA.  Before this we were in Delaware visiting some of my wife’s family. And prior to that, I was in … Continue reading

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Webpage Update

This weekend, I was off at a genealogy conference in Burbank, California and did not get on the air. However, I did get some time to make a small addition to the web page. Current HF propagation information was placed … Continue reading

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Field Day Thoughts

Field day (June 22-23, 2013) has many purposes. The first that comes to mind is an emergency preparedness. Field day provides a good excuse to call the club members together to setup the equipment in a remote operating area. Thus … Continue reading

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A contact here and there

The weekend was full of fun activities. One of them was the CQ WW RTTY WPX contest.  I had set up and tested the equipment before the contest. The old PC was using MixW software, connected using a RIGblaster Pro … Continue reading

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