Category Archives: Web Page

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Your Web Page

At today’s JPL amateur radio club meeting, I gave a high level presentation on how to create “Your Amateur Radio Web Page.”  We discussed why an individual might want to have their own web page, options for setting one up, … Continue reading

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Worked All States

I had received my Worked All States (WAS) award many years ago under one of my old callsigns.  Recently, I checked logbook of the world and realized I did not have it credited under my current callsign. There were enough … Continue reading

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Pictures Re-Posted

It is too hot today to go out in the garden and too hot to turn on the linear on, so it is the perfect time to repair the photo gallery on my web site. The method I was using … Continue reading

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Webpage Update

This weekend, I was off at a genealogy conference in Burbank, California and did not get on the air. However, I did get some time to make a small addition to the web page. Current HF propagation information was placed … Continue reading

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Recent Activity

So far in 2013, I have not had a chance to get on the air.  All I have had time to do is to occasionally listen.  Perhaps this weekend I will finally dust off the key, warm up the equipment,  … Continue reading

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