Category Archives: Web Page

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Updated DXCC Records

This weekend, I updated my DXCC records, and submitted an application for additional endorsements using the LoTW pending credits. In addition, the web page was updated to add a pull down selection under DXCC that displays my current status.  Also, … Continue reading

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So as to stay current with the latest methods of communication, I signed up for a twitter account. I am amazed at the amount of content being exchanged via social media. Not long ago, business needed to have a web … Continue reading

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WordCamp 2012 in Reno

This past weekend, Dot and I attended WordCamp in Reno, NV. It was a fun couple of days learning more about WordPress and meeting others who use the software for their web sites. Hopefully, this week I can put some … Continue reading

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Logs Updated

After some difficulty with the Logbook plugin (probably operator error), the logs are up to date.  Recently, it would upload the logs, show the correct number of log entries received, but the new logbook would contain zero entries.  After deactivating, … Continue reading

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Comment Policy

A policy regarding comments has been added under the ‘About’ tab.

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