Category Archives: Web Page

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A new look

I had been using the default theme, but with its recent update and the update of one of the plugins, the log book stopped working properly.  The theme picture was redrawing itself over the log display.  To correct the issue, … Continue reading

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Pictures of the antenna installation are now posted.

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Logs Loaded

My personal logs have all been uploaded. A search box has been added to the Logs page on this site. Other than for contest, my log is hand written.  I use a text editor to transcribe the hand written logs … Continue reading

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Lacking Logs

Posting of my logs is not yet working. After trying for awhile, I decided to go back and use the old JAVA script, and even that does not want to work. Logs WILL be posted, just not today!

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I am continuing to learn how to use WordPress.  This morning I have added pages for my current radio call as well as all of my previous ones.  The cats helped moved their pictures under the Pictures tab to make … Continue reading

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