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Pictures of House Construction:

[Purchase]First saw house for sale 3/5/2007. Offer made on 3/6/2007. Closed escrow on 4/17/2007.
[Wires]...still need to find them all...
[Old Ivy]Took out old Ivy 4/23/2007, Planted 6/17/2007
[Gas Shut-off]Gas shut-off installed on 5/8/2007. Chimney Sweep cleaning done on 5/1/2007.
[Washer/Dryer]Installed around 5/10/2007
[Door To Garage]Got estimate on 5/9/2007. Construction from 5/15/2007 to 5/31/2007.
[Phone/Internet/TV]Phone & internet went in on May 30, 2007. Still need TV wiring
[Plumming Problem]Occurred on May 30, 2007 and repars completed on June 1, 2007
[Attic]Installed panelling Between June 5 to June 11, 2007
[Paint]Got Estimate 5/7/2007. Painted around June 12, 13, & 14, 2007
[Carpet]Installed June 19, 2007
[Storage-Stuff]Arrived on June 21, 2007. Moved in (First night / Cat came) June 23, 2007
[Dipole]Dipole put up for Field Day June 20, 2008; Tower started Sept. 1, 2008; Taken down Aug 12, 2009
[Tower/HF Antenna]A3S & A3WS Tower Construction; start:8/5/2009; End: TBD

Digging in the dirt:

No more ivy (until the roots re-grow) & Planted some Morning Glory (6/17/2007):