W6GRV DXCC Records

My latest DXCC records have been uploaded. The records are based on the latest QSLs received. I hope to get a few more band countries in this weekend’s CQWW DX CW contest.

73 Rob.

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Arrival of the boxes

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With the fresh all the construction completed, it was time to move into the house. Around 8:30 AM, on June 21, 2007, the storage van arrives with our stuff.

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Plumbing Problems

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Soon after buying the house, the plumbing problem became apparent. It was first noticed on May 30, 2007. Ok, so we turned on the Washer and the pluming backed up into the shower. The initial repairs were completed on June 1, 2007.

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Digging up the Ivy

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The patch of ivy was removed on April 23, 2007. Fresh flowers were planted on June 17, 2007.

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Trip to Washington State in 2005

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During the summer of 2005, Dot and I took a trip to the state of Washington.  We drove north and spent a night in Trinidad, CA, where a our view was that of a couple of goats.  Their feeder was just outside of our window. Then we went up the coast, stopping in Crescent City CA, and up the Oregon coast. Once in Seattle, we headed east, spending the night in Leavenworth, WA. From there, we went to Omak and Riverside Washington. The next day we drove back south, passing through central Washington and Oregon.

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