A Slow DX day

With the M7 solar flare this morning, there were only a few DX station that I could hear. I made a few contacts and sent for a few QSL cards. Many years ago, the cards I received were hung on the walls, but now they are mostly in shoe boxes. It was fun to look through the boxes, remember many of the contacts, and even see some of the handwritten notes.

DX QSL Cards

Some DX QSL cards for contacts made by W6GRV, N6JKQ, WB6JGY, and WN6JGY.


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With the start of 2014, I have not spent much time on the radio.  However, the FT5ZM DXexpidetion got me to dust off the equipment and warm the linear up.  After making a contact with their team (for a new one on CW), I made a couple of contacts in the 10-X SSB contest. This weekend, the station is setup for the CQWW WPX SSB contest, and a handful of contacts have been put into the log.

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Your Web Page

At today’s JPL amateur radio club meeting, I gave a high level presentation on how to create “Your Amateur Radio Web Page.”  We discussed why an individual might want to have their own web page, options for setting one up, and where to begin.  It used to be that you needed someone with knowledge of HTML, CSS, and even a programing language (like Java or PHP). Today, there are many choices of “content management systems” that handle the HTML and style sheets for you. They provide a simple user interface so that you can focus on your content.

A second presentation is listed below that was not given, which uses illustrations to step through how to setup a website using WordPress. This second presentation, “Using WordPress to create your Website,” is intended as a learning aid.

Presentation Given:  “Your Amateur Radio Web Page

Presentation not given: “Using WordPress to create your Website

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Contest Weekend

CQWWSSB2There was great propagation for this weekend’s CQWW SSB contest. Although I was only able to spend a few hours in the contest, I still enjoyed the opening into Europe and Africa on 10 Meters.

Using the hunt and pounce method and staying on 10 meters only, my final count is 179 contacts, 26 zones, and 50 countries.

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Snow posed for her portrait

2013-10-12 Snow








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